Rockwood Water Trust (RWT)
- The RWT is a separately managed operation of the RCC. The purpose is to maintain and operate a water system which serves a maximum of forty-nine homes within Rockwood Estates and is under the control of the Board of Directors of RCC. Its accounting and reserve funds are maintained separately from those of RCC. All property owners served by the RWT must be members of RCC and maintain active membership in RCC. The system is limited by state law to forty-nine service points.
- Water bills are emailed/mailed annually beginning for the fiscal year July 1st and are due on or before the first of the month of July. Water bill rates are the same irrespective of volume of usage either on an on-going (annual) basis or for properties which are occupied on a seasonal basis. The annual fee is currently$300.00
- The RWT will maintain such reserves as deemed necessary to maintain equipment, water lines and the pump house. Only RCC members on the water service are subject to any of the maintenance cost of the water system. Members are responsible for all costs incurred for any repairs that need to be made to their lateral water lines. Members need to contact a local plumber to arrange for their repair.
Important Responsibilities for Members on the Water System
1. Every water system member has a curb key (valve). The member needs to locate their curb key and mark it with something that is visible during all seasons, a blue color is suggested as it signifies water and can then be readily identified by all utility companies that need to provide service to Rockwood Estates. Members are responsible for any and all repairs that need to be made to their curb key.
2. In the event of lengthy and extreme cold weather periods members should test their water to determine if they need to take action to avoid water line freezes. ( A suggested test is to fill a bucket with cold tap water and test its temperature. If the temperature is 37 degrees Fahrenheit or colder, you should trickle water through a hose from an outside tap until the water's temperature is over 37 degrees F.)
3. If a member should have a power outage, they need to contact Wisconsin Public Service.